Navigating Harsh Weather: HVAC Tips for Freezing Rain and Snow 

The Midwest is no stranger to harsh winter weather, including freezing rain and heavy snowfall. Your HVAC system can face unique challenges during these conditions. Here’s how to ensure your system remains reliable and efficient: 

  • Clear Snow Accumulation: After a heavy snowfall, make sure to clear snow from around your outdoor HVAC unit. Accumulated snow can obstruct airflow and strain the system. Create a clear perimeter to allow proper ventilation. 
  • Protect the Outdoor Unit: If freezing rain is in the forecast, cover your outdoor unit with a specialized cover or tarp. This shields the unit from ice accumulation, preventing potential damage and ensuring optimal performance. 
  • Inspect and Clean Vents: Check your vents for any snow or ice buildup. Blocked vents can disrupt the airflow, affecting your system’s efficiency. Keep vents clear to maintain a consistent and comfortable indoor temperature. 
  • Regularly Check the Exhaust Pipe: Ensure that the exhaust pipe is free of snow and ice. A blocked exhaust can lead to hazardous conditions, such as carbon monoxide buildup. Regularly inspect and clear the exhaust to keep your home safe. 
  • Monitor Thermostat Settings: During extreme weather, adjust your thermostat settings judiciously. Avoid drastic temperature changes that might overwork your system. Gradual adjustments help your HVAC system cope with the demands of freezing conditions. 
  • Schedule Professional Inspection: Before winter sets in, schedule a professional HVAC inspection. A technician can identify and address potential issues, ensuring your system is well-prepared to handle the challenges posed by freezing rain and snow. 

By taking these proactive measures, you can help your HVAC system withstand the rigors of harsh Midwest winters, providing reliable heating even in the face of freezing rain and heavy snow. For emergency repairs or professional inspections, contact us today. Schedule your service now to ensure a warm and comfortable home throughout the winter. 

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